Weekly News and Homework – September 25th

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First Grade Flash

September 25, 2017     Welcome!  

 We are excited to begin homework this week!   The homework  will be written in your child’s homework notebook.  Please remember that quality handwriting practice is most important to developing your child’s handwriting skills.  As your child does homework, it is important to follow the guidelines of correct size and form.  Use a pencil and encourage your child to do their best.  Our intention is for your child to practice correctly to build strong habits.  Rushing, using a pen, and not using the lines correctly only reinforces poor habits.   Establishing good homework practices now is key to success later in their educational life.  Homework folders come home on Monday.  Please keep the folders until Friday, completing homework assignments nightly.  Return the homework folder with the notebook on Friday.

In math we are beginning our unit on patterns. We are learning how to recognize the pattern unit (the part that repeats) and naming various patterns (for example, an AB pattern would be the name of a pattern of blocks that has orange, blue, orange, blue, etc)

We continue to focus on the scientific process and have practiced using our five senses to be excellent observers.  We have made predictions based on our observations and have been doing some simple experiments to make predictions. We have learned about attributes and how observing attributes tells us much about objects.



Practice your neatest handwriting by writing about your family.  You can write as much as you want, but remember – quality practice is more helpful than quantity practice.


Using your best letter formation and sizing, find an interesting object in your house and describe its attributes.  Use your 5 senses to describe your object.  Remember to use correct capitalization and punctuation.  Spell the describing words using the sounds you hear.  For basic sight words, try to spell them correctly.


Look around your house and find some patterns that repeat.  Draw at least 3 patterns in your homework notebook. Name them. (For example, a shirt that has red, blue, and green stripes would follow an ABC pattern.)


Using the book you are currently reading, write down the title in your homework notebook and write about your favorite part.  For a Super Challenge (optional) describe the characters.  How are the characters similar to you?  How are the characters different?  Use complete sentences.


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