Accepting Ourselves and Others

Johnson Jaguars are learning about accepting themselves and others this month.  Class lessons will also focus on exploring careers this month.  Our Career Day will be April 6th.  Students may dress up like what they want to be when they grow up! It is going to be a wonderful day of learning and fun.  Thank you so much to our fabulous volunteers!!

SCA members will be meeting on March 23rd to prepare for the big day as well as receiving a special treat from the PTA for all of their hard work counting box tops this year!  We will also hang signs to advertise for our spirit day on March 30th.

It is going to be a great month full of learning at Johnson.  The 4th and 5th graders have already shown us their very best work on the writing tests this month – we are so proud of each one of them!!  We will also be showing off our talents on March 20th at the Talent Show!  See you there!

~Mrs. Yonce 🙂

Jaguars Work Together!

Hi Jaguars!  Welcome to a warm February so far!  This month our character trait is “understanding.”  Class lessons are about understanding ourselves and each other and working together to solve conflicts.  Parents, ask your child about some of the “tools” in my toolbox for conflict management.

Students will be recognized on February 17th at our next Jaguar Jamboree for generosity and understanding.  JJ and I will be handing out the awards to students per class!

5th graders were given their course request forms for 6th grade yesterday!  They are due back to me by Friday, but if you want your first choice of electives, turn it in TODAY!

Parents, I hope that you will join me and Mrs. Childress in the library on February 14th to talk about ways parents can help their children with bullying.  We will be serving bagels and coffee from 7:30am-8:30am.

See you there!

~Mrs. Yonce 🙂

Happy New Year!

Welcome back students, parents and teachers!  We have some exciting things going on through the school counseling program! We will continue to talk about the character trait “generosity” this month.  We will have a spirit day on January 31st.  Groups will be on anger management and friendship.

This Wednesday, our 5th graders will be meeting with Brookland and Tuckahoe counselors to go over course requests and answer any questions about middle school that they have.  Course request forms will go home on January 31st and will be due back to me by February 3rd.

It’s going to be a great year at Johnson Elementary School!

~Mrs. Yonce 🙂


Wow!  What a wonderful month December has been at Johnson Elementary.  Our character trait this month is generosity.  Thanks to our fabulous teachers, Girl Scout Troop 3824, Twin Hickory Elementary community, and McGladery, we were able to give out gifts to 86 students this year!  Thank you for everyone’s hard work and willingness to give.  You are all models for the students at Johnson Elementary in learning what generosity is.

I hope that you all have  a wonderful break – stay safe and healthy.  I can’t wait to see what 2012 brings!

~Mrs. Yonce 🙂

Jaguars have a positive attitude!

Our character trait for November is attitude!  We are talking about keeping a positive attitude about school and life.   In class lessons, we are recognizing students who have a positive attitude and learning about how that can help us in testing, friendships, and all aspects of our lives.

The SCA is sponsoring our annual spirit week November 14-18.  Please see your child’s school calendar for more details.  We are also sponsoring a canned food drive in the cafeteria November 1-December 2.  Please support the Christmas Mother by donating canned goods. Please contact me if you  would like more information.

Have a positively wonderful November! 🙂

~Mrs. Yonce


Welcome back students, teachers, and families!  The character trait for September and October is RESPECT!  Students received wristbands this morning at our “Setting the Stage for Success” assemblies.  We talked about earning JJ Dollars for respecting ourselves, others, learning, and property.  It has been wonderful seeing all of our students back and ready to have a GREAT year!  Please look for my School Counseling pamphlet to be coming home soon as well as a monthly update in the school newsletter.

Have a wonderful rainy day! 🙂

Mrs. Yonce

Setting the Stage for Success!

It is almost time to start a fabulous new school year students, parents, and staff!  We truly are setting the stage for success this year at Johnson Elementary School.  Please help me to welcome our new Principal, Mrs. Sower home to where she once attended elementary school!  We are also extremely fortunate this year to have gained an Associate Principal, Mrs. Childress and a new resource teacher, Mrs. Thompson.  You will be excited to see familiar faces as Mrs. Sower and Mrs. Thompson have worked previously at Johnson.

I am looking forward to that first day of school to see our students again with their smiling faces and nervous eyes.  I am also looking forward to meeting our new kindergartners!  I hope you all can join us at the “Popsicles with the Principal” on August 18 from 5:00pm-7:00pm!

Enjoy the rest of your summer teachers and students… and get ready for a GREAT year!! 🙂

~Mrs. Yonce

JES Counseling is Surfing to Success!

Welcome to the Johnson Elementary School Counseling Site! I hope to use this blog to keep parents, staff, students, and our community aware of all that is going on with my school counseling program!

Parents, thank you for allowing me to work with your wonderful children. I look forward to seeing their smiling faces every day. Please let me know if there is anything I can do to help support your child’s academic, personal/social, or career exploration needs.

In case you were wondering… our school’s theme this year is “Surfing to Success!”  I hope you’re able to surf your way around my blog successfully 🙂

~Mrs. Yonce