
Rachel Smith, College of William and Mary, class of ’17

The Leadership Center is for those of you who ask “why.” For those who never quite lost the habit associated with children of questioning the world around them. But the Center is more than random, spontaneous questions. It teaches you to ask the questions that form your perspective on life- Why is a leader considered great? Why is there conflict in the Middle East? Why does the gap in gender wages still exist? Why do we live and learn? Asking why and not just how is an essential part of this experience- learning is more thorough and focused than simple questions.  These questions create a depth of conversation and intellect that is unparalleled in any classroom I have ever been in. From the first day you enter the building to the mind-bending day you leave, the teachers and students are extraordinary question-askers and discussants.


The Center taught me to love learning through its authenticity of discussion and collaboration among classmates. It gave me the confidence to develop and share my own opinions– and know that the world is better off for hearing them. It gave me the knowledge, and even better, the ability and resources to seek knowledge, to continue to develop as a learner, opinion holder, and citizen. The Center constantly challenged me to be a better learner, more confident speaker, more thoughtful individual, and better version of myself through its curriculum and community. Coming into college, I cannot imagine having been better prepared for the workload, thought, and writing that is expected of me. To find an education of this caliber in any setting is extraordinary, and I would not trade it for anything else.