Corona update

Yesterday, Governor Northam suspended classes at all public schools through the end of the school year.  Public safety and public health supersede all other considerations, of course.  However, our planning for the coming school year continues apace, knowing that this crisis will abate, and our commitment to teaching and learning remains constant.

For our applicants, look for information from Mr. Peck via email in the coming days regarding new timelines re: acceptance notification and registration.  We are eager to get our new class enrolled and registered for next year’s classes.

This is an extraordinary time, disruptive and disquieting.  We appreciate your patience with the process and look forward to our eventual return to normalcy.  In the interim, please know that we are excited about the incoming class and look forward to meeting you and your families when time and public safety allow.

If you have questions or concerns, please contact Rob Peck.

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