Gettin’ Triggy With It — iPad Style – 6906
Submitted by: Jonathan Perry School: Varina High School Summary Student small groups get Triggy with right triangle trigonometry. Using a tape measure, an iPad and …
Submitted by: Jonathan Perry School: Varina High School Summary Student small groups get Triggy with right triangle trigonometry. Using a tape measure, an iPad and …
Becky Lambert, Deep Run High School Summary Working independently and using Google Sites, students create webpages as though they were a major Hispanic artist from …
Summary In this lesson, students create book trailers in order to convince other students to read their book. Students review existing book trailers and come …
Submitted by: Holly Condon School: J.R. Tucker High School Summary Students were given two items that were related. They were to create 3 higher-level (Bloom’s) …
Summary For this lesson students were asked to create a Voicethread to demonstrate their knowledge of cell structure & function. Students could choose between a …
Submitted by: Joy McDonald, ITRT School: Hungary Creek Middle Summary Using 7 primary sources, students will assume the role of a Boston news reporter to …
Summary Boys at our school have consistently earned 6-10% lower scores on reading standardized tests. The staff, faculty and PTA would like to purchase books …
Summary Students are to collaborate with other classmates on characteristics and needs of living things. This will be done through various methods; brainstorming, research, Wordle, …
Summary In this lesson, students practiced basic research skills in less than one class period. They selected a current events issue that is interesting to …
Summary In this mini lesson focused on Critical Thinking, the students use ActivInspire to connect causes and effects from the context of a short story. …