Intro to Research Lesson


In this lesson, students practiced basic research skills in less than one class period.  They selected a current events issue that is interesting to them and then generated questions about the topic.  The students conducted research using EasyBib and also used the site to cite their sources.  They described their research process and then summarized both sides of the chosen controversial issue.  The end product was a brief persuasive paragraph, focused on the side of the issue they feel most strongly about.  This lesson is great for the beginning of the school year, to get students acclimated to research and generating quality questions.  They can transition into more complex research projects after spending time on the basic elements.

TIPC Ratings

The teacher provided some direct instruction on searching techniques and analysis of the source credibility. The students generated questions and researched based on those questions and had to assemble the gathered information. Their resulting persuasive argument draws from the research.

While this activity could have been done in groups, the teacher was interested in assessing each individual’s comprehension of the research strategies, so Communication and Collaboration were not observed.

The students had to think critically about both sides of the current event issue, make a decision on their stance, and persuade their audience to agree with their point of view. They generated higher order questions and found the answers through their research. The current events issued added authenticity to the activity.

The activity included a connection between the subject matter and contemporary issues, and the students created a written product that was unique to their scenario. They could choose their topic, and by generating questions, drive the direction of their activity.

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