Startups @ Supper
Teacher(s) Name: Vest, , , and School: Hungary Creek MS Grade Level(s): Grade 6,Grade 7,Grade 8,Grade 9,Grade 10,Grade 11,Grade 12 Content Area(s): English, Math, Science, …
Teacher(s) Name: Vest, , , and School: Hungary Creek MS Grade Level(s): Grade 6,Grade 7,Grade 8,Grade 9,Grade 10,Grade 11,Grade 12 Content Area(s): English, Math, Science, …
Teacher(s) Name: Henry Hurlburt and Janice Shelton School: Mills E. Godwin HS Grade Level(s): Grades 10-12 Content Area(s): Architectural Drawing and Design; Sports Marketing Lesson Summary Students …
Teacher(s) Name: Mrs. Tennessee, Mrs. Davenport School: ACE at Hermitage Grade Level(s): Grade 11,Grade 12 Content Area(s): CTE, Technology, Marketing Lesson Summary Students from the …
This lesson is for : Grade 9,Grade 10,Grade 11,Grade 12 Summary Running a restaurant involves more than just preparing and serving food. Successful restaurants require, …
This lesson is for : Grade 10: Summary Using the high-priced Super Bowl commercials as a springboard, students create their own persuasive and effective 30 …
Summary NASA’s Digital Learning Network at the Goddard Space Center presented a series of challenges in a project called Destination: Mars. The students were challenged …
Summary Students worked in groups to create an advertising campaign for River City Consulting. Students were given a $3,000 budget and had to create a …
Summary Students will research and create a timeline on the American Negro Baseball league and the integration of collegiate and professional sports. Researching, using a …
Submitted by: Amy Stills School: The Academy at Virginia Randolph Summary Students in Business Law have already discussed the differences between rules and laws and …
Submitted by: Amy Stills School: The Academy at Virginia Randolph Summary Students in Business Management class have been learning how to sell not only their …