15HS903 – SuperBowl Econ Ads

This lesson is for : Grade 10:


Using the high-priced Super Bowl commercials as a springboard, students create their own persuasive and effective 30 second commercial that communicates an important personal finance concept to other teens. The students choose what they see as a vital truth about personal finance, and formulate a concept to communicate this truth. Backed up with research and creatively packaged, the commercial contains a call to action. These commercials are posted to an Aurasma channel, where subscribed students view and respond to the work of their classmates as well as peers from other classes. The most effective and memorable commercials as determined by “likes” and retweets air on Varina’s morning announcements during Financial Fridays in April and will be used during a campus-wide Financial Literacy Scavenger Hunt.

TIPC Ratings

Research & Information Fluency

Rating: Not Observed – Explanation: Not a focus of the lesson.

Communication & Collaboration

Rating: Ideal – Explanation: Students, working in self-selected groups, used a variety of digital tools to communicate and collaborate while planning the commercial, as well as during filming, mostly with mobile devices. Students shared ideas and made choices together on everything from where to film, to what to say, to which programs to use for recording and editing. Most of this work is done outside of class, using everything from shared Google folders to texting to FaceTime to face-to-face talks. They uploaded their work to Aurasma to create multi-media overlays and trigger images to use for the authentic task of educating students on good money decision making in the upcoming Financial Literacy Week in April. The audience for these Aurasmas goes beyond the classroom walls: not only can all 120 students in the teacher’s sections create and upload Aurasmas to the channel and respond to each other’s products in a way that everyone allows everyone to be part of the conversation, but the Aurasma channel is also publicly viewable in the real world.

Critical Thinking & Problem Solving

Rating: Not observed – Explanation: Not a focus of the lesson.

Creativity & Innovation

Rating: Ideal – Explanation: Students were encourage to create a fresh, appealing commercials for financial literacy week that engages and motivates a teen audience. Students use any trigger image and create any video (with a 30 second time frame) on any topic touching financial literacy. Students have free choice of software and hardware, including their own phones to do the taping. In April, during Financial Literacy month, these Aurasmas will be the focus of a campus-wide scavenger hunt activity. Within this assignment, students identify topics in personal finance and economics that resonate and have an impact with teens. Working in self-selected groups or alone, as desired, students create unique products that have a real-world purpose of educating the public through financial literacy.

Student Artifact


Lesson Materials

H21 Lesson Artifacts

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