We Need a Hamster

This lesson is for : Grade 3:


My class was wanting/needing a class hamster after reading The World According to Humphrey. The problem was that class pets were not allowed in schools. Students decided to use their knowledge of government and persuasive writing to allow a pet in the classroom. Students would need to research the official school and county policies on pets as well as research information on hamsters including care needs, potential problems, medical needs, allergies, etc. Students would then need to write write persuasive letters to the administration and others involved in the decision making. Students would need to decide on many decisions involving the care of the hamster. Persuasive posters would need to be created and an animal expert would need to be contacted. Students would need to present their idea to the administration and accept the final decision.

TIPC Ratings

Research & Information Fluency

Rating: Ideal – Explanation: This lesson falls within the developing stage of the TIPC. Students are applying search techniques modeled by the teacher. Teacher has given a list of websites that are appropriate and students are looking through these websites to find their information. Students are responding to an assignment which prompts analysis of their information.

Communication & Collaboration

Rating: Ideal – Explanation: This lesson falls within the target/ideal stage of the TIPC. Teacher has modeled and students have demonstrated the use of a variety of digital tools to effectively communicate within and outside of the classroom. Non digital tools such as posters, and handwritten papers were used as well as digital tools such as Padlet, Google docs, Google forms, Skyping, and video. The teacher used this while facilitating students as they worked collaboratively. Students reflected throughout the project while making adjustments to make their presentation better.

Critical Thinking & Problem Solving

Rating: Ideal – Explanation: This lesson falls within the target/ideal range of the TIPC. Teacher is facilitating throughout the project by asking quality; how, why, describe, list, etc.questions. Students are able to reflect upon their work by practicing their presentation to others and receiving feedback from peers and teachers. Time to improve upon their work is given throughout the project. Students are engaged in a real world task because they will be presenting to an actual administrator and have a consequence on whether or not their class will actually get a live hamster for their classroom.

Creativity & Innovation

Rating: Developing – Explanation: This lesson falls on the developing level for creativity using the TIPC. Students are responding to teacher directions to create standard products such as posters and stories. Although each story is original, there is limited choice on how to create their story.

Student Artifact


Lesson Materials

H21 Lesson Artifacts

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