Create Your Own Greek Myth


For this project, students will create a modern-day myth based off of Greek Mythology. They will take what they have learned about Ancient Greece and Greek Mythology and create a story that would appeal to kids and teens in the modern era. They will present their story using video media or animation using software of their choice.

TIPC Ratings

Target/Ideal – The teacher modeled strategies to guide student investigation. Students created their own questions to guide their research.

Approaching – Students formed their own teams and selected their own digital tools to communicate and collaborate with peers. 

Target/Ideal – Students selected the most appropriate digital tools for their project, picking a variety of tools. Students also chose their own groups to work collaboratively to solve problems and use current knowledge of Greek mythology to write their own modern day take on the subject. 

Target/Ideal – Students created their movie trailers about a modern day Greek Myth, they wrote themselves. 

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