Genetics Debate


Through amazing technology discoveries throughout the last century, the field of genetics has made monumental advances. With the advancements in genetic engineering, the ethics of progressing with different engineering capabilities has been questioned. For this project, the students will choose a genetic engineering topic to debate ethical implications with another student. The purpose is not only to “win” the debate but to inform the class as to the implications and ethical dilemmas of the topic.

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Students are using search strategies, databases, and easybib to collect, analyze, and paraphrase the information need to create their debate argument. The class was instructed by the librarian and the teacher on how to get the best results when searching, how to decide what information or sources to use, how to summarize instead of plagiarism, and most importantly why is the information and source chosen the best option for supporting the debate topic.

Students were taught appropriate communication techniques when debating and when observing a debate. Students were held accountable for implementing techniques and monitoring classmates communication skills throughout the debates. Although the focus of the lesson was appropriate communication and debate skills,, students were expected to collaborate with their partner to decide their debate position. Students would have to explain and defend their choice along with compromising if both students wanted to choose the same position. As the audience, students were given roles with clear expectations to help facilitate the debates and ensure students are engaged in the debates when they are part of the audience.

Students are challenged throughout the debate to think critically and develop possible arguments which will best persuade the audience to agree with their point of view. To create their rebuttal arguments, students research to predict their opponents arguments and decide on the best way to defend against those arguments. Students must develop a deep knowledge of the genetic debate topic to easily and quickly refute opposing points while debating.

Students created their own unique debate arguments based on classroom instruction and their own research. Debates were constructed around current genetic implications which are debated by people all over the world. For each genetic topic provide there is no right or wrong answer therefore students were expected to be innovative in how they approached the debate to ensure the audience received new information on the topic. Students evaluated and reflected on the debates of their peers and even voted to select a “winner” of the debate or most convincing arguments.

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