Jamestown Debate – 4163


The students were introduced to Jamestown through the VA Studies curriculum. They enjoyed the curriculum and started to ask questions about the people of the time period. They also started bringing in research from home they were so excited. They chose 5 people that they thought would be strong leaders. We were in the middle of the presidential election during this study so the students decided that we should have an election of our own, including a primary election. The students starting watching election debates and commercials at home so they could prepare for their own election. We invited a representative from Historic Jamestown who came in and talked to the children about the pros and cons of each for candidate as far as being a good leader. The students then voted for the two best candidates to run Jamestown. We had auditions and voted for our classmates that would portray these two candidates. The candidates picked classmates to help them campaign. The students decided they wanted to have a debate before our classroom election and invited parents and peers to participate in the election process. The two candidates chose three cabinet members each to help them with debate preparation. They came up with quality questions for the debate, chose a moderator, and invited guests to come. The other students came up with other committees for the debate. All the students dressed up in Jamestown attire, supplied favors and a classroom completely set up for a debate.

TIPC Ratings

Students invited an expert from Historic Jamestown into the classroom. They were given websites and resources by the teacher, librarian and ITRT, and they brought research from home. The research from home was due to the enthusiasm and excitement for the subject. They used all of these tools to drive their choices of research and to address their tasks.

The students formed their own groups, decided what they wanted to research, decided their own roles in the group, and chose which digital tool they wanted to use to communicate. The only requirement was that everyone should participate in some way in the debate, and they needed quality questions for the debate. The students used the Bloom’s Taxonomy wheel and the A,B,C,D quadrant to create their quesitons. They communicated their debate through our classroom blog and by inviting outside guests into the classroom. They also collaborated with their pen pal school in Southwest VA. They shared their debate and had them vote on the candidates as well via Skype.

This started as approaching but the students developed it to Ideal/Target because they took basic information and turned it into a real world experience. The debate required them to think on the Evaluating and Creating levels of Bloom’s Taxonomy. They incorporated the current election and had to think about their candidate and how his/her strengths were best for the lifestyle of Jamestown. Each group was working on something different. The students generated their own perspective due to the information from research.. The students realized through critical thinking that Jamestown could have been run better and differently if “we knew then what we know now”. The students had to show their research through the election and debate by providing details from their research. This was graded using the teacher rubric which was submitted.

Based on their research, students decided that they would like to create their own primary election, debate, and election. They wanted to share their knowledge on the blog, with parents, and other communities. The students decided to skype with their pen pals to share their debate. They encouraged them (5th grade class) to comment. They shared their information with their pen pal school so that they could share it with their fourth graders.

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