Fairy Tales Plus



The objective of this collobarative project between third and fifth grade students was to rewrite one of the fairy tales they had previously read in a collaborative group.  They would be publishing these fairy tales for an audience of their peers and parents on their class blogs.  They could rewrite the tale in a modern world, from a different character’s perspective, or with an alternative ending. Students began by researching fairy tales from around the world.  They collected information and analyzed the stories to compare the similar characteristics of fairy tales from around the world.  They recorded this information on a graphic organizer. After reading the book, Once Upon a Time, the class identified the thirteen elements included in most fairy tales.  These elements were put together into an outline to guide the students in their writing. The third and fifth grade students met face to face for a first planning session.  After the first meeting, the collaboration was done through Google Docs for writing, Pixie for illustrating, and Little Bird Tales for publishing. All of the completed tales were posted on the class blogs for parents and other classes to enjoy.  Once the tales were published, the classes viewed each story for reflection.  The students reflected on their own stories as well as those of their classmates.

TIPC Ratings

In order to write their own Fairy Tale, students had to research examples of this genre, then synthesize all of the crucial parts to a Fairy Tale in order to assemble their new version. This scores target in the area of Research.

For collaboration, this project scores in the target area. Students from two different grade levels were using collaborative documents to plan their project, since they did not have their reading blocks at the same time. Their on-going reflection in the google doc produced impressive products.

This project scores approaching for Critical Thinking & Problem Solving. Students generated their own questions, and the responses to those questions are evident in their original stories.

The Creativity score is target. All of the stories are original, meaningful representations of a new, clever idea that included art work as well as story writing.

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