Getting Involved

Submitted by: Kimberly Jones
School: The Academy at Virginia Randolph


Students will choose an issue in their community to research, developing five essential questions. Each question will be answered by using animation in the form of a television commercial. The goal of each presentation is for students to get the attention of the lawmakers to make changes in policies or laws concerning the issue. This will show how public policy is influenced by the media.

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In this lesson, students developed five questions to drive their research about community issues they wanted to research  to draw attention to in order to  influence public policy. They selected sites that were reliable and valid and included the questions and answers on their Glogster. They use this information to create a Go animate movie that is embedded in a Glogster.

In this lesson, student grouped themselves into groups of three or four to select an issue. The groups researched information about their issue  and used that information to create a script for the creation of their Go Animate. The students have an opportunity to review each others Go Animate and comment on the site. The students use their researched to design the Glogster to present their findings.

In this lesson, students used the information from the question they developed and researched to  create a script that was used to creation a Go Animate production. They also used the answered the question they created in the Glogster.

In this lesson, students brainstormed and selected an issue that they felt was important to bring attention to lawmakers. They used the information to write  five  questions to research and included the answers in their Glogster. The students also used the researched information to write an original script that was used for the creation of the GoAnimate. The final product, the Glogster, contains all the information the students researched issue and their Go Animate movie.

Student Artifact

Student Glogster/>

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