Unique words as a function of worth


What relationship do the number of unique words have to the quality of the work?

cc licensed ( BY SD ) flickr photo shared by bionicteaching


I was looking at syllabi from famous authors and saw a paper requiring 3,500 words. I went to WolframAlpha to see how many pages that was. After seeing it was about 14 double spaced pages, I clicked on the option to use “words” as a unit and got the image you see above.

Architecture over time


Something about the architecture in cities intrigues me. What was society like during the construction/renovation of these buildings? How has space been conceptualized (reconceptualized)? What do these structures tell us about growth/development/health/happiness? How does the angle at which I look at the shot influence my perceptions?



I can’t stop going back to this pan and looking at it from different angles. Wondering… What if we had panoramics like this that span out from the heart of the city at it’s inception?



I have witnessed a murmuration, I just called it a bird cloud. I was struck by their natural beauty, but also could see analogies to other patterns of nature. This is how an electron cloud around an atom must look. This is what a summer breeze would look like. Even more abstract, this is what the “I have a Dream” speech looked like.



Murmuration from Islands & Rivers on Vimeo.

Murmuration Photos and Video

Murmuration research

Related Video: Bubble Man on Beach (I see this as an abstract notion of a poets life.)

Weather Modification


What happens when scientific curiosity and nature intersect? Should we take action to modify weather? When? Under what circumstances? Are there times when it is more acceptable than others? Should we apply scientific findings, just because we can?


Stuff you should know podcast found here: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/stuff-you-should-know/id278981407

Persuasive Language


Are these the most persuasive words in the English language: you, free, because, instantly, new? I don’t know about that. Emphasize how context, content, and audience are interrelated in a persuasive argument by creating back up slides for an pitch that includes only these words (or whichever words you think make the list).

