November 8

I hope you’ve had time to enjoy the beautiful weather we’ve had this weekend.  If not, there is still time!  Head outside and enjoy!  Here is a fun YouTube video that I love to show the children once the cold winter months are over, but it seems to be fitting for this weekend as well.  On a side note, Jason and his sister grew up with me in Mechanicsville.

As we begin this week, please be reminded that we will have an asynchronous day of learning on Thursday, November 12.  On this day, teachers will be in the building at KES preparing for November 30th.  Children will be marked as present if they explore one or more of the apps that we have been working on (SeeSaw, Dream Box, Lexia, RAZ, Epic, or Smarty Ants).   They may also use their Tool Kit on this day for a hands on approach to learning.  Also, remember that Friday, November 13th is a holiday for students and teachers.

This is a 3 day logging in week to meet as a class on our meeting link.  We will be working on the letters Ll and Vv, reviewing patterns, and exploring the holiday, Veterans Day.

Your child will need to have his/her Handwriting Book at their work space from now on.  We will be using that as we form our letters.  If you cannot place the Handwriting Book, your child may use a white board or a journal.  Your child will also need to have his/her Tool Kit close by because if we have enough time, we will be pulling out the unifix cubes in math to help review patterns.

In Social Sciences, we will be learning about Veterans Day.  This is typically a very big celebration at our school. Mrs. Patterson and Mr. Buffkin have done their very best to keep this a day of celebration and we’ve gone virtual!  Here is some information from the Coyote Courier about this special day.  I will be sharing the virtual bulletin board with the students on Wednesday.  If you would like to upload a picture of your veteran to the board, I will look for familiar names and showcase them to the children.  Please read below to find out how you can participate:


Wednesday, November 11th is Veterans Day:  This year during our virtual platform our recognition will happen in two ways:
1. In lieu of visual representation in our school’s hallway, we will use a virtual bulletin board to recognize and honor men and women who have served our country in the past or who are currently serving.  Using this link: families can add to the Veteran Board and share information about a veteran.   This board will remain active until November 13th, and teachers will highlight with their students during the Social Studies class time on November 11th veterans who are on the board.

  1. Adopt a Veteran:   Each KES family is encouraged to make a $15 donation to support Veterans in our Virginia area.  Our school has partnered with Old Dominion Honor Flight to honor veterans who served in WWII, Korea, and Vietnam during the times of December 1941- April 1975.   Due to the pandemic, the organization has been unable to fulfil its  “mission”  and transport Veterans to the Washington D.C. area to visit the memorials (Marine Corps Museum, Air Force Memorial, WWI Memorial, Vietnam Wall Memorial, Korean War Memorial, and Arlington National Cemetery for changing of the guard) dedicated to honor their sacrifice and service.   KES’s partnership will allow Old Dominion Honor Flight to make and post signs in the yards or location of  veterans.  The yard signs will be a visible reminder to veterans that our families remember them and honor their sacrifice. The service area for this organization includes Elizabeth City, NC up to Fredericksburg, VA (including the Eastern Shore) and west to Farmville, VA, and our school’s goal is to provide signs for 100 veterans.  To adopt a veteran and make a donation, go to our school’s online payment system link:  Adopt a Veteran   (Prior to donating please create an account in our Online School Payment system OSP. In the past, if you made field trip payments online, then you already have an account.  Direction on making an account located here if needed.)  Together, let’s support those who were BRAVE, BOLD and STRONG in fighting for our freedom.


Finally, we still have many open slots for Mystery Reader if you’d like to sign up.  I’m not exactly sure how this will work once we go back into the building, but we will work together to figure it out.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend and I look forward to seeing your students bright and early tomorrow morning!  Remember —- get outside!

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