November 1

Wow, is it really November?  Time is flying by and the upcoming week has a lot happening in Coyote Country.  Please review this week’s Coyote Courier so you are abreast of all the activities and events:

Just as a quick reference, important events this week are listed below.  More detailed information available in the parent newsletter.
1. Monday, Nov. 2- Coyote Connection and Conversation session with Mr. Buffkin and Mrs. Patterson
2. Tuesday, Nov. 3- Student holiday
3. Wednesday, November 4 is an asynchronous learning day for all students.
3. Wednesday, Nov. 4 thru Friday, Nov 6- Parent/Teacher Conference window.  Sign up information was included in last week’s newsletter.  Conference virtual meeting links will be sent out on tomorrow.

Enjoy the remainder of your weekend,

Mrs. Patterson

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