June 8

Happy Monday!  I was able to deliver ‘End of the Year’ presents to all of your doorsteps!  Be sure to check outside and grab your child’s treat bag!

Tomorrow is our Zoom Meeting at 8:30 AM.  In honor of Father’s Day which is coming up, children are invited to share pictures of Dads, Grandfathers, Uncles, or anyone that holds a special place in their hearts — this could even be babysitters, moms, grandmothers, or YOUR TEACHER!  ;0)  We will basically just be checking in with each student since we haven’t met in a week.  I’ll be sharing a picture or two of my dad and Traylor and Lola Grace with their dad.    As always, if you don’t have anything you’d like to share with us, we’d just love to hear you say ‘hi’ to all of your friends!

Here is the information from Mrs. Patterson for the week with the last Coyote Courier link!  Happy Reading!

Good afternoon to all KES Families,

This message is to notify you that today is the last Coyote Courier message for this school year.   Please review the parent newsletter so you can be informed about end of the year event and activities for our school and PTA: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1JJljc1D9CblSFl8JJ8gD2W4qut7HdiYgYryocVPfxsU/edit?usp=sharing
Additionally, this issue has information about KES staff who are leaving our school and new members joining Coyote Country for the 2020-21 school year, as well as other specific details that are pertinent to planning for next school year.

Also, if you were not able to pick up your child’s supplies/items last week, there will be ONE more opportunity.   Read the details in this week’s issue.

I hope you will plan to say GOOD-BYE to the KES faculty and staff on Wednesday, June 10th from 2:00-4:00 PM as we stand on the sidewalks at KES and wave to families who drive by.  A detailed message will be sent out on Tuesday, June 9th with directions and guidance on how to participate if interested.  I hope that I have the chance to see you at the KES parade on Wednesday.


Cindy Patterson, Principal


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