8 thoughts on “IBMYP and Diploma Program

  1. Hi! I go to Tucker for the IB program and I love it! When first starting, I was really scared that IB would be so much more challenging than in middle school, and that I wouldn’t have time for anything except homework, but these rumors are not true! Most of the kids in the center with me would agree that it is the same homework load as it is in 8th grade. I only knew a couple people initially in the same center as me, but on the first day I realized so many of my friends from middle school were there (3/4 of the center is usually kids from Moody). Since I wasn’t close with many of them, this gave me a chance to get to know people I didn’t see much around Moody. I would also recommend trying out for a fall sports team because this gives you a chance to get to know people outside of your center, as well as upperclassmen (since all of your classes will be with IB kids). Overall, Tucker has amazing teachers, and the outdoor campus is great! I wouldn’t stress much about your application, because being in IB now, you are definitely prepared and people will notice that. The IB Diploma program is also great if you are unsure what you want to do because it will prepare you for any profession, and help you get into great colleges! Good luck applying for centers! You will do great at any high school you go to! 🙂

  2. Hi! I go to Tucker for the IB program and I love it! When first starting, I was really scared that IB would be so much more challenging than in middle school, and that I wouldn’t have time for anything except homework, but these rumors are not true! Most of the kids in the center with me would agree that it is the same homework load as it is in 8th grade. I only knew a couple people initially in the same center as me, but on the first day I realized so many of my friends from middle school were there (3/4 of the center is usually kids from Moody). Since I wasn’t close with many of them, this gave me a chance to get to know people I didn’t see much around Moody. I would also recommend trying out for a fall sports team because this gives you a chance to get to know people outside of your center, as well as upperclassmen (since all of your classes will be with IB kids). Overall, Tucker has amazing teachers, and the outdoor campus is great! I wouldn’t stress much about your application, because being in IB now, you are definitely prepared and people will notice that. The IB Diploma program is also fantastic if you are unsure what you want to do yet, and it will prepare you to do any profession and get in great colleges! Good luck applying for centers! You will do great at any high school you go to!

  3. Hey everyone! I’m currently going to Henrico HS for the IB Diploma Program, and I love it! It does not have a lot more work than Moody, but the seriousness of everything has definitely increased. I have been told that Freshman year is going to be a breeze because there are no extra tests to worry about (PSAT, SAT, etc), but to take advantage of it and get good grades because every day counts towards the future!
    In terms of Henrico as a school, I really like it. I was at first a little anxious about the bad reputation that it gets and the whole idea of an outdoor campus, but it’s amazing. Everyone is super nice and the teachers are very helpful. As long as you be yourself, you’ll make new friends and do super well! I personally recommend getting involved in something (sport, band, etc) before the year starts to help with your transition. I did marching band that started in August, and this helped me a lot to learn the lay of the land and make a circle of friends in EVERY grade who still watch out for me. I do want to mention that the school is under construction which makes things a little crazy and dusty…but they should be done with it by my senior year and certainly by the time you all graduate!
    Lastly, my advice for the application process–just try to stay calm and do your best. I know that it’s very overwhelming and there’s so much going on, but don’t make it harder on yourself by stressing! Try to only apply to the centers that you can actually see yourself attending, because if you apply to all the schools, it wastes your own time. Also, DO NOT leave it until the last minute! The essays and projects that you submit to the school are what they are judging you by, so make sure that it is your best work!
    So good luck everyone! I hope to see some of you at Henrico! 🙂

  4. About IB in high school, I attend Henrico and it’s a great school. We may not have a huge cafeteria with assorted fast food restaurants, we may not have an indoor campus, we may not have high-tech air conditioners built into the wall, we may not have more than one working water fountain, and we may not have warm water, but these are all things that make Henrico unique and wonderful. IB is very enjoyable; you are challenged to think creatively and make independent decisions, just like Moody. Moody does prepare you very well for anything in high school, but continuing IB is going to help you develop as a person and leaner, not to mention your advantage later in life. So I’m telling you to do what your heart desires, and if your heart desires more IB then you know exactly where to come.

  5. Ah I can remember this time last year when I was deciding which specialty centers I was going to apply to. Anyway, when you’re applying to whichever one you want to, make sure you choose to apply only to the centers you are most interested in. This will save you lots of time and work. Also make sure you get started on your applications early, otherwise you’ll be doing them at the last minute and it will not be your best work. Other than that, my advice is to just stay calm, do your best, be yourself (don’t be ashamed or hesitant), and you’ll be fine.

  6. I am currently attending Henrico for the IB program. I am enjoying myself immensely, and the open campus is great. The work-load is on-par with Moody but the nature of the work makes it even more important not to procrastinate. I get to spend a lot of time with my friends from CFA and the diversity among the student population makes Henrico much more interesting and educational than your average high school. Henrico is about as safe, if not more safe than your average high school and the teachers are very nice and work with you to get good grades. While it wasn’t my first choice, I am definitely happy that I chose to attend here and I hope you do too!

  7. I decided to go to Henrico High School for the IB Program and so far it’s pretty good. If you’re worried about the intense workload, it really isn’t that hard. Up until now it’s about the same amount of work as Moody was and most of the teachers are nice. A lot of other Moody kids came to Henrico so I already knew a lot of people. Henrico wasn’t my first choice but I’m not disappointed with the school. Also any rumors about the safety of Henrico are most likely untrue, it is a very safe campus.

  8. Hi Mrs. Chandler & rising ninth graders! 🙂
    If you are considering the IB Program at JR Tucker as an option for high school, then you are already one step in the right direction. Although courses are challenging and a considerable amount of homework and projects are given, it is nothing that each of you will not be able to handle. The IB Program at Moody prepared me TREMENDOUSLY for high school, and especially the continuation of the IB Program, and I can’t thank all my teachers enough – especially Ms. Chandler! 😉 In my opinion, the IB Program at Tucker is a wonderful option because of the challenge it provides its students, and how confident and proud you will feel upon constantly using your brain to complete rigorous assignments. However, all of the specialty centers are great choices, and I know you will all find the one that fits best! If you have any questions, Mrs. Chandler can share my email with you! Hope to see some of you at Tucker! 🙂

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