4 thoughts on “Hermitage: Humanities

  1. I absolutely adore Hermitage. The Center here is full of great people and I have never had a boring day so far this year! If you love history and English, I can’t think of a better center for you to go to. The work load is not to bad and and the content is really interesting. Just make sure that you do not procrastinate.
    When applying, DO NOT WAIT! Do your applications before or during Winter Break. If you wait, you will, without a doubt, be frantic and worrying your head off!
    Also, I HIGHLY recommend marching band! I am in the Color Guard/ Flagline and we are in need of members. There will be an audition in May, but more information will come to you via your teachers later. Come join the Marching Panthers!

  2. When I was applying for high schools, Hermitage was definitely not one of my top choices. When I got in, I decided to give it a shot and it was a great decision. The program is interesting, the people are great, and I couldn’t be happier anywhere else.

  3. The Center for Humanities at Hermitage is an excellent, genuinely engaging and fun program. When I was filling out applications last year, the center director was communicative and very helpful. When I was accepted into the program, my teachers in the center allowed me to contact them and were responsive to any important questions I may have had, which was the first glimpse of how caring and engaging the teachers are in the center. This year I have had an incredible time because of the teachers and the lessons they have planned. In Humanities class we generally have group discussions about a reading we have annotated, and we also do a lot of reflection on movies or videos we watch in class. In English, we do a variety of things, like reading and discussing literature, writing, and challenging activites for the things we are learning that day. In History class, much of it is listening to the teacher talking about history, and telling us the distilled truth about what we need to know. (There is NO sugarcoating, which makes the class interesting and fun.) We use the textbook as a resource, but we talk more about whatever subject we are learning as a group in class. In the center, participation is vital, and even if you are a shy person it isn’t hard to participate in class because the teachers and students support you. It’s only the beginning of the year, so I’m looking forward to the activities we will be doing later on.

  4. About the applications: I don’t care what all of your friends are doing, or who you’re visiting over the winter break: do your applications over winter break. There was nothing more entertaining last year than watching everyone else become frantic about finishing their applications in time and then smugly telling them, yeah, i finished that 2 weeks ago. Just go to one Information Session. Split up with your parents, so that you can get the most info. Go to open houses, they help. And above all, shadow. Shadow, shadow, shadow. They can make the difference in your choice. I had a friend who shadowed with me at Hermitage. He seemed to like it a lot, but later he said that the center for the arts at Henrico seemed better for him during his shadowing. Also, come to the Herm. The school is nowhere near the stereotype. I have yet to see someone get caught with drugs or get in a fight. If you love the humanities, then come on over.

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