7 thoughts on “Godwin: Medical Science

  1. Hey Future Eagles,

    I am a 9th grader at the Center for Medical Sciences, so I thought I should break down the center for you. I have also written a post in the General HS tips that go over overall strategies and tips, and I recommend you read that as well.
    Scientific Research: CMS really revolves around the science project. If you’ve done MRSF or VJAS, you know what I’m talking about. If you haven’t, talk to your science teacher about the specifics. The gist is that you have to carry out an experiment and write a formal research paper over the course of about 5 months. At Godwin, you have to do one every year (with the exception to the senior year if you place in 9th or 10th grade). If you are even a little bit into science, go to the open house in December and see what it is all about. If you hate science, I would still recommend coming because I guarantee your opinion on it will change.
    Medicine: Probably the second largest part of the CMS is the idea of medical sciences. Godwin used to be the SMT (Science, Math, Technology) center, but they rebranded it to the CMS as of 3 years ago. The reason I use the word “rebrand” and not “change” is because Godwin is still a majority STEM school, and you don’t have to want to be in a medical job to go. In all honesty, I never wanted to apply to Godwin because I thought I would have to become a doctor. But, Godwin is so much more than medicine, and you can get into any field through it. I would recommend that you just need to have a strong interest in Science (doesn’t have to be Earth Science ☺), although you can definitely benefit from the course selection if you are interested in medicine.

  2. I like the Godwin CMS (originally the SMT) because they have challenging coursework. We’re allowed to study in the library from 8:00 AM to 8:30 and we also get to join a bunch of clubs. We even get to do a bunch of fun labs (candy lab and cookie lab [you get to eat them afterwards]) and a party (I heard this from a sophomore) at the end of the year. It’s fun, but go
    (if you want to) only if you don’t dislike medical science, because most of the courses, especially freshmen year, is medical stuff.

  3. Hey Eighth Graders!
    I’m sure you’re starting to think about where you might want to go to high school and which specialty centers you are interested in. It might seem overwhelming, but just pick ones you know you will be happy at(Gowin SMT!!!!). 🙂 Go to the open houses! they will really help you narrow down your choices and help you see what you might really enjoy. You really need to make it a point to not procrastinate! (I know it can be hard). Everything will go much smoother and you will feel a lot better if you make sure to get your applications (and essays) finished before the night before it’s due. Also, make your essays unique. Don’t just write down the first thing that pops into your head. Think about it a bit. Trust me, it’ll help a lot!
    Godwin SMT is AMAZING!!!!! The first week or two might be a bit rocky, but don’t lose hope! I love it!! Make sure to join some clubs or do after-school activities. You’ll be a lot happier and can make tons of new friends. Also, don’t be worried about the work load. It might seem scary because you have every class every day, but you’ll be fine! The work is never very lengthy or hard. Like I said, it’s a lot of fine and I’m having a great time! Good luck! Hope you come to Godwin!! 🙂

  4. Hello eighth graders! I am a freshman this year at Godwin in the SMT program. As you are deciding where to apply, my advice is:
    a) Do not apply to too many places. Centers are meant for subject areas that you are specifically interested in- if you hate technology, then why waste your time applying to Deep Run? I had this experience with Freeman. While it is a great center with a challenging curriculum, it was not the right fit for me. I was concerned I would regret not applying, but I have not regretted it at all! Because I knew that I was only considering Godwin or Maggie Walker, I only applied to those places.
    b) There is NOTHING bad about just going to your home school. I would have been happy going to Godwin in the regular program- you can still challenge yourself in those curriculums.
    c) No matter where you go, you will most likely be happy. When deciding, you are choosing between various happy endings, not a happy and sad one.
    d) Don’t leave applications for the last second, and ask teachers for recommendations early!
    e) Don’t be afraid to ask guidance counselors for help! I talked to Mrs. Sams last year and it helps to get an outside opinion!
    As for my personal experiences applying, I applied and got into Maggie Walker and Godwin. I chose the SMT center because it focused on the subject areas I was most interested in. So far I am loving it- the science and math classes are wonderful.
    Finally, for next year, I recommend getting involved in clubs or sports. I personally have joined Key Club and am running Cross Country. Remember that sign-ups for fall sports often begin at the end of this school year! Sports allow you to make friends before the start of the year. Obviously I am partial to XC (which is amazing and you should all run), but I am sure the other teams have a similar team atmosphere. You can also get involved this year if there is a sport offered at your home school 8th graders can partake in. I ran XC and indoor track my 8th grade year. Let me know if you have any questions!

  5. Hey eighth graders! I bet you all are anxiously awaiting your acceptance letters. And remember that no matter where you get in, you’ll have an awesome high school experience. The SMT center here at Godwin is awesome. It’s challenging, I’m not going to lie, but it’s loads of fun. The people are great, and the teachers are soo helpful. We do have all classes everyday, but we don’t get way too much homework. And if you ever have too many quizzes and tests on one certain day, you can ask your teachers to take it at a later date and they will let you. In science class, we do really fun labs (that often involve food :). Science class is always very hands-on and the teachers make sure you understand everything before you move on to another topic. Every class is roughly 45 minutes so I can guarantee that you will not be falling asleep(: The environment is awesome here and the seniors really help you out if you have questions or need help in any way or form. Good luck to you all and I hope you think about coming to the SMT center!

  6. The Godwin SMT center is great. I love it. At first I thought it would be overwhelming because the scieence fair project is due before winter break and I was used to it being due in like february. It was actually nice though because now I don’t have to worry about it until I find out whether or not I made it into the science fairs. Then I’ll just have to make a presentation so that’s not too bad. Also I was worried that I would be overwhelmed by other work since I have seven classes everyday. I soon found out that there was nothing to worry about though because not all the teachers assign homework everyday and for big assignments you’re usually given multiple days to complete them. I like having every class everyday because it actually makes the day seem shorter. Every class is only like 40 minutes long so it’s really easy to pay attention. The math and science center is really a great program.

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