CTY (John Hopkins)

Johns Hopkins CTY:  Summer application packets are now available online!  Our summer programs offer eligible students from all over the country and around the world the opportunity to engage in challenging academic work in the company of peers who share their exceptional abilities and love of learning.

Has your child attended one of the CTY camps  in the past?  How did s/he like it?  Would you recommend applying to this program to another parent/child?

3 thoughts on “CTY (John Hopkins)

  1. Thanks to your newsletter, Bryce was fortunate to earn a scholarship that partially paid for his camp last summer.

    He attended the Johns Hopkins CTY Biomedical class and thoroughly enjoyed it. He wants to do another CTY camp. While it is extremely expensive, it was top notch and thoroughly educational. I think it helped him in biology this year. An actual doctor from Egypt and a med student led the summer camp. It was outstanding!

  2. Finally, if it is an option, I also recommend doing a 3-week residential program through Johns Hopkins Center for Talented Youth (there are other universities that have options like this, too, like Duke). Kids have to apply and get accepted into the program, and the residential classes are crazy expensive, but so worthwhile. Addison will be going for the third time this year. While not necessarily connecting them with nature, there is always a measurable difference in her confidence and independence after each program. She loves this part of her summer and looks forward to it each year.

  3. We did a weekend program with CTY on engineering and architecture at the Building Museum in Washington, D.C. We were very disappointed with it. The quality of instruction was not good and neither was the staff preparation. I would not recommend them from my limited experience.

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