October is National Bully Prevention Month!! All classroom lessons will focus on prevention. ” Be A Buddy Not A Bully”  These lessons will help students better understand peer relationships and how to have positive experiences with friends. The following are websites are interactive for children and parents to use.




1. We will not bully others.
2. We will try to help other students who are bullied
3. We will include students who are easily left out.
4. When we know someone is being bullied, we will tell an adult at school and and an adult at home.
Olweus Bullying Prevention Group,(2004)

School Strategies when Bullying happens to someone else.

Be A H.E.R.O.
Help out: help the target get away
Empathize: imagine how others feel
Report: to an adult
O Open communication: talk about bullying,know the rules

Stay S.A.F.E.
Speak up
Ask and adult for help
Find your Role
End it quietly

More news.. Please remember small group counseling sessions for semester 1 will begin in October see earlier post for group information and to down load permission slip.

Mix it Up Day Footage ………..

KES | Mix it Up! from Karen Shaia on Vimeo.

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