Glance at a Golden Week (11.27-12.1)

This week we celebrated the 60th Anniversary of Trevvett! We enjoyed an excellent 50’s inspired musical performance put on by our 1st graders and 5th grade chorus members. We also heard some wonderful accounts from former principals and students of Maude Trevvett Elementary. We were thrilled to be a part of this celebration.

Happy 60th Anniversary Maude Trevvett Elementary! It’s an honor to be part of your community!

We began our week with a computer lesson with Mr. Clough. He taught us more about Schoology and how to add icons and fun images to our photos using a program called PicMonkey. We used these skills to write a fact and opinion statement about Winter. Students also applied their knowledge of adjectives and adverbs. Ask your child to log in to Schoology to see the photo they created!

Click the camera for all of our photos from the week!


Reading- We learned the difference between facts (statements that can be proven true or false) and opinions (a personal belief that cannot be proven). Using our anchor chart (pictured below), we spent the week discussing and finding key words in editorial passages and locating information that supported the opinions in the text.

Our vocabulary focus was on suffixes and how they change the meaning of words. We learned more about the suffixes -ful (full of), -less (without), and -ly (characteristics of). Next week we will review the prefixes and suffixes that have been studied this nine weeks.

Writing- We began our week with our classroom Spelling Bees! Congrats to Noah Dabney (winner)/ Walter Brooks (first runner up) in Miss Capano’s class AND Keren Rosas Sanchez (winner)/ Sonja Spencer (first runner up) in Mrs. Golden’s class for winning our classroom level spelling bees. The winners will be competing in the school spelling bee with classroom winner from 3rd-5th grade on December 11th. The winner for our school will then move on to the County spelling bee. Good luck 5th grade winners!

We put our fact and opinion skills to the test this week in writing to write our own editorial paragraph on winter. First, we brainstormed facts/opinions about winter. After brainstorming, students we assigned to write either a factual paragraph about winter or an opinionated paragraph about winter.

Social Studies- We are so excited to be starting our unit on the 50 states! We are beginning our exploration with the region we live in, the Southeast! This week we learned about the natural resources and economic resources found in the Southeast region. When reviewing this material, ask your child… What states are in the southeast region of the United States? What are the economic opportunities in the southeast region of the United States? What are the natural resources in the southeast region of the United States?

Students began their interactive Social Studies journal this week. This journal will travel to and from school each day. On the front cover, students have a copy of a United States map. This map will be used to show each region. Please use this resource as a study guide for the remainder of the year.

Math & Science–  Visit Miss Capano’s blog to read what students did in math and science this week!


  • MATH: Fraction Problem Solving
  • SCIENCE: Classifying Plants – Vascular and Nonvascular
  • READING: Narrative Nonfiction Text, Structural Patterns of Nonfiction Text
  • WRITING: Writing Multiparagraph Compositions, Transition Words, Adjectives/Adverbs
  • SOCIAL STUDIES: Southeast Region of the United States (Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia, and West Virginia)
  • VOCABULARY: Prefix/Suffix Review (prefixes: re- = again, dis- = not, im- = not; suffixes: -ful = full of, -less = without, -ly = characteristics of)


  • ALL WEEK: Smencils on sale for $2 each
  • Dec. 6: 
    • 3D Cell Projects Due
    • Cells Quiz
    • PTA Jumpology Spirit Night (5:00-7:00 PM)
  • Dec. 7: 
    • Math IA Test
    • Southeast Region States Quiz
    • Mrs. Golden’s Birthday
  • Dec. 8:
    • YMCA Aquatic Safety Field Trip
    • Weekly Vocabulary Quiz
    • Halfway Point of Q2
  • Dec. 9: PTA Santa Breakfast (8:30-10:30 AM)


  • (Repost) YMCA Aquatic Safety Field Trip: To support his water safety curriculum, Mr. Harlow has arranged a field trip to the YMCA on Friday, 12/8 for an aquatic safety lesson with certified swim instructors.
  • In Friday folders:
    • December Newsletter from Mrs. Broudy:  On Thursday, students received a red December update from Mrs. Broudy packed with holiday events and reminders!
    • Smencil Sale: Next week Smencils (scented pencils) will be on sale for $2 each until Dec. 15 with funds benefitting our school!  What a fun, affordable holiday gift!
  • Holiday Party: On Friday, 11/15 all MTES classes will celebrate the holidays with a party!  Thank you Mrs. Wilmoth and Mrs. Holden for volunteering to support our class party!  We will reach out soon for food permission and donation requests!  We are still seeking a parent to provide lunch coverage, and several slots are open for other fifth grade classes.  Consider volunteering at

Have a wonderful weekend!

, Mrs. Golden

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