Glance at a Golden Week (11.13-11.17)

Quarter 1 Math benchmarks came and we conquered them! Miss Capano was thrilled to see students working out each problem carefully, perserving through challenging questions, and striving to meet their goals!  Those students that achieved their goals were rewarded at our first Goal Celebration with ice cream sundaes! Next week (Tuesday, November 21st) we have our Quarter 1 Science benchmark test. This assessment is cumulative and will include fifth grade content on Earth Cycles/Rocks and Oceanography, as well as fourth grade review content on Scientific Investigation. This is the week of Thanksgiving, so please let me know in advance if you will be starting Thanksgiving travels early and your child will be absent.

Please review the following items to prepare yourself for the upcoming benchmark…

  • To review, click “Science Resources” on the blog or  (username: trevvett, password: tigers) and practice the following skills from the first quarter:
    • Earth Cycles – SOL 5.6
    • Ocean – SOL 5.7
    • Scientific Investigation – SOL 4.1/5.1
  • Continue studying vocabulary cards, science journals and study guides DAILY!

Next Tuesday, we will be celebrating our first annual TURKEY TROT sponsored by the Trevvett SCA. Students are being asked to bring in a gently used hats, scarves, or gloves to donate to the homeless. We will then head out to the track to “trot” and drop off our donated items to raise awareness for homelessness. All families are welcome to join us in the community service project.


Reading- We continued our unit of nonfiction text features, focusing on Problem & Solution and Cause & Effect. We read some great passages on a topic we’re all interested in, MINECRAFT (!!!!!!!), to help us understand these structural writing patterns. To close out the week, we reviewed reading IA questions to prepare us for what nonfiction text structure pattern questions look like. When reviewing with your student, ask Did the author tell you what caused something?  How are the causes or consequences of events presented in the text? How did the [____] solve the problem? How did [____]  respond to the conflict?

We also returned to our study of roots and affixes. This week had us looking more in depth into the prefixes (un-, dis-, non-, il-, ir-, in-, im-, and re-).

Writing- We discussed and used adjectives and adverbs in our writing to make our writing more interesting for the reader. At the beginning of the week we review what adjectives (describe nouns) and adverbs (describe verbs) do. We took time to brainstorm words that would describe nouns and verbs. We will continue to use this knowledge in writing and editing processes. When writing at home, ask your student What is an adverb? What is an adjective?

Social Studies- This week in Social Studies we began our next unit of geography. Students got their Social Studies journals prepared and ready to load full of US Geography info! Be on the look out for these journals to travel to and from school. To kick off this unit we learned about the about the Five Themes of Geography. We will use this knowledge to learn about the Southeast Region when we return from Thanksgiving break! Click on the image below to see a Youtube video that helped us understand the Five Themes in class.

Math & Science–  Visit Miss Capano’s blog to read what students did in math and science this week!


  • MATH: Thanksgiving Dinner Math Challenge
  • SCIENCE: Q1 Science Benchmark Test
  • READING: Reference Materials, Fact & Opinion, Suffixes (-ful, -less, -ly)
  • WRITING: Plural Possessive Nouns


  • Nov 21:
    • Science Benchmark
    • Turkey Trot (8:20)-
    • Richmond Symphony concert (9:00)
    • Q1 Awards (1:30)
    • Report Cards go home
  • Nov 22-24: Thanksgiving Break


  • (Repost) YMCA Aquatic Safety Field Trip: To support his water safety curriculum, Mr. Harlow has arranged a field trip to the YMCA on Friday, 12/8 for an aquatic safety lesson with certified swim instructors.  Please review the permission slip in today’s folder and return with the $4 fee by Monday, 11/27.

Have a wonderful weekend!

, Mrs. Golden

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