The Daisy Duffel

Name of Invention: The Daisy Duffel
Group Members Evelyn Lesher, and Teagan Baulsir

Website Image:

Link To Website:

Brief Description of the Invention: When you come home from practice or the gym, does you bag ever stink? If it does, the Daisy Duffel is for you. The Daisy Duffel is a duffel bag with separate compartments, and a secret fragrance that makes you bag smell fresh!

Category: Uncategorized | Tags: #stinkfree #sports #daisyduffel

18 thoughts on “The Daisy Duffel

  1. This is cool, but I would think that it is too much work because you have to apply the oil every time you use it, and there is no back up oil. Also some people aren’t very organized, and would think that it is a waste of money.

  2. The product is cool, but I think you could have added some more features to set it apart from other scented bags. It is a good website but could be a bit neater. Great Product!

  3. I think that this product just adds to much hastle to make a bag smell good. Also, couldn’t you just febreze it or somthing.

  4. My mom is obsessed with essential oils and I know what it is like to have a stinky bag after I go to the gym. Although the smelly bag problem could be solved with those twist able ball deodorizers.

  5. Invention Model – 4
    Problem Solving – 4
    Product Information – 4
    Time Management -4
    Webpage – 4
    Quality of product – 4
    Excellent product. Website looks official.

  6. The project looked nice, but I feel like it could have been a bit more seamless. For example, the edges of the logo on the product were hanging off like only the middle had been glued. Also, what would be the difference between cheaper febreez or something like that and the essential oils?

  7. It is a good idea a it works well and does not seem to have problems, but I have seen small air fresheners that you can put anywhere in your bag and it makes it smell good

  8. You’re product is really good but why not just spray air freshener in your bag instead of going through all the trouble of putting essential oils on it?

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