
Name of Invention: Memo-Wrist
Group Members Josh DuPuis, Nick Patterson, Fardeen Khan, Jack Maroney

Website Image:Memo-wrist-logo

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Brief Description of the Invention: The Memo-Wrist provides an easy way to remember things to do by literally writing on your arm. It combines a duct-tape bracelet with a post-it style white board to allow the wearer to write on their arm. The Memo-Wrist allows you to remember, whether it’s January, March, June, or September.

Category: Uncategorized | Tags: #Memowrist, #Remember

20 thoughts on “Memo-Wrist

  1. The invention is really creative. I can see how this solves everyday problems. I like the idea and it makes a lot of sense, but I think it should be more sleek if it were to become an actual invention.

  2. I thought that this idea was very creative and useful, but I wish it gave a little more room for people to write.

  3. This product offers a unique solution to a problem that many people struggle with. This invention would help me a lot.

  4. This is insanely useful, and I want one of my own. People have notebooks and things to remember information, but it is not possible to take those everywhere. However, you can take the Memo-Wrist anywhere, which is why I like it.

  5. Memo-wrist is a revolutionary product that combines an accessory with a necessary reminder to complete your day’s task. I love this product, although I could easily replace with something more technological, so you might want to add some more features.

  6. The memo wrist is a good idea but could have been made better, and hopefully the marker comes with the bracelet.

  7. This is a cool idea, but it is similar to another person’s group, try to do something that distinguishes yourself from another group.

    • Oops sorry that was for another group, here is yours.
      I think this is a great idea, I would use this all the time because I always write on my hand.

  8. I think this invention is a great one, especially for people who are very forgetful. I think you could find a better way to attach the marker, because it would be annoying to me to have it hanging off my arm all the time.

  9. This seems like a cool product for people who cant afford an apple watch or a product like it. It is a good reminder that a lot of people could use.

  10. I think that this product is pretty cool. I think it would be pretty useful because I’m known for forgetting things that are important. I think that you could find a better way to attach the marker because I wouldn’t want a marker hanging off of my arm all day.

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