The Bag-Onizer

Name of Invention: The Bag-Onizer
Group Members Alyssia Cox, Summer Satterfield

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Brief Description of the Invention: Our invention is a bag for all uses that makes your life easier! It can be used for any sport, along with everyday use. The Bag-Onizer is very large but can even fit inside some other bags!

Category: Uncategorized | Tags: Organizer

22 thoughts on “The Bag-Onizer

  1. I like the idea for a sports organizer/bag. Since I do sports I need a lot of different things for gymnastics. Although, I have seen an organizer like this. If this is going to be something that you plan to get on shelves, then make something stand out that makes it different from other products similar to this one.

  2. I thought that the construction of this product was very well done and had a nice appearance, but I have seen many products like this before and I think it would have been smart to add something to make it a little more unique.

  3. I like that your bag has a lot of different purposes besides just dance. I also think your poll is a neat way to get feedback.

    • this was the wrong one
      Real One:
      I think this invention is going to be a very useful invention for people who like to carry a lot of things around with them.

  4. The Bag-Onizer is one of the best inventions I’ve seen. This incredible product can help so many people with the organization they lack.

  5. The Bag-onizer was incredibly organized, and it would help me to keep myself organized in everyday life. This invention would definitely help me in staying organized.

  6. It is a great idea, and I like the idea of being able to change the size of the compartments. However, I think the bag wouldn’t be as transportable because the sides would be totally firm and wouldn’t be able to bend to fit in a tight space.

  7. This invention is way too big to carry around all day. I think you should make it a little smaller, but this would also help me a lot. I’m not very organized.

  8. The Bag-Onizer is a great product and appeals to girls more than boys, most malle sports couldn’t fit their supplies in the bag.

  9. The Bagonizer is creative and can be used for anyone that needs to carry equipment to any event. It’s great because it can be used by girls or boys.

  10. This invention is very innovative and can be useful for many people, but I think it may be a little large and bulky.

  11. I think that this product would work, and most people could get some use out of this. Especially that you can adjust some of the spaces.

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