Lindsey H. Martin

Most commented posts

  1. SOL Commercial: Ratchet — 53 comments
  2. SOL Commercial: Balloons — 51 comments
  3. SOL Commercial: SOL Cowboy — 47 comments
  4. SOL Commercial: Math havoc — 45 comments
  5. SOL Commercial: Study Hard Anthem — 26 comments

Author's posts

SOL Commercial: Study Hard Anthem

Will your SOL score be high enough to get you into the party of the year? Find out from the SOL-Bot in the latest SOL commercial produced by the seniors in the Center for Communications. Leave a comment to be entered in a drawing for a fabulous prize.

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Review: Ghost Rider

After a five-year hiatus, “Ghost Rider” returns to the big screen with the sequel to the original 2007 movie, “Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance.” The sequel has different directors, writers and a whole new supporting cast. Nicolas Cage (Johnny Blaze) is the only holdover from the original movie.

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Review: Gone

On the surface the thriller “Gone” is entertainingly mysterious and daunting, but it is ultimately nothing but forgettable.

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Review: Act of Valor

“Act of Valor,” co-directed by Mike McCoy and Scott Waugh, provides great explosive action scenes but nothing to fill the gaps in between. The military and their families may appreciate “Act of Valor” although viewers looking for good dialogue and unexpected plot twists will leave theaters disappointed.

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Chorus keys in new teacher

The newest member of the Blue Devil family is chorus teacher Steven Ryan.

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