Columns: Take your time to enjoy ‘four short years’

by Amber Blair

If you are reading this, you are probably still stuck in Varina, but don’t worry. It will all be over sooner than you expect, a little too soon for some.

This time last year, I was a month or so into my senior year. Life was good, or was it? Instead of living in those glorious moments, I was just so ready for high school to be over that I let it all fly by.

While high school seems to drag on, it’s only four short years. If you don’t take the time to live in those moments, when it’s over you won’t remember them. Look to the future, but don’t allow your future to have more importance than the present.

To the class of 2016, you’re finally in high school. While you may feel like you are the little people on campus, you actually have the upper hand. You have those four years left so live them up.

Class of 2015, you’ve gotten your feet wet, so you know what it’s like to be in high school. This is your chance to establish yourself as leaders and transition into your role as upperclassmen next year.

Class of 2014, your senior year is within reach and boy, does it smell sweet, but don’t get too excited because junior year can make or break you. Don’t let the thought of senior year make you lazy like most people including me.

To the seniors, Class of 2013, you are starting to see what appears to be light at the end of the tunnel. While that light is flashing your name, just remember that it’s not over. Trust me. You don’t want to be that senior stuck at school taking exams while you could be at home asleep because you chose to mess up your last year.

If you follow my advice, I promise that when it’s your time to walk across the stage, it will all have been worth it.

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