Taking A Turn – 5681
Summary Working in groups of 4, the student will be creating a stop motion movie presentation showing examples of a 90, 180, 270 and 360 …
Summary Working in groups of 4, the student will be creating a stop motion movie presentation showing examples of a 90, 180, 270 and 360 …
Summary This unit involves designing a home in a decorative, yet functional manner. Students will be engaged in activities that will prepare them for their own …
Summary Students were given these directions: “ You are making a presentation on the following documents: The Charters of the Virginia Company of London, The …
Summary The Lord of the Rings. The Hunger Games. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone. In the last decade, juvenile and teen fiction novels have …
Summary Students had the choice of projects 1-4. All choices must have a google docs page citing their sources they used for research. 1. Create …
Summary Students formed groups and created a movie to display the required constructions. This project afforded the students the opportunity to demonstrate content mastery of …
Summary In pairs, students created their calendar vocabulary project. The required elements included speaking content, written content and a learning assessment activity. The learning assessment …
Submitted by: Carolyn Hennessy School: SPMS Summary In order to help the students understand the 12 theorems presented in the circles chapter, we worked on …
Submitted by: Karin Nguyen School: Short Pump Middle School Summary Students created their own SOL review. Their product had to include 20 questions. Each question …
Proof of EvidenceSchool: Short Pump Middle School Summary Collaborative groups of Life science students were given the task of collecting and analyzing evidence to solve …