SOL Student Review Questions

Submitted by: Karin Nguyen
School: Short Pump Middle School


Students created their own SOL review.  Their product had to include 20 questions.  Each question also had to include the answers and either a explanation or work shown.  Students created their products in a variety of different applications.  Creativity was encouraged and students were given time to brainstorm and collaborate within their group. Most of the groups used google docs to initially capture their brainstorming and research.

TIPC Ratings

Approaching – Students created a google doc and shared with their group and teacher.  The group organized their information in tables outlining their questions, and any information they researched specific to their questions.  Students documented their sites.

Approaching – Teacher challenged the students to create their own Algebra review problems.  Some of the problems needed to be real world problems.  Students established roles and responsibilities in their group.  Initial research and problems were developed and share in google docs.  These were also shared with the teachers.

Approaching – Students had to generate their own problems.  The requirement of type and how many were outlined in the rubric.  A number of the problems were real world problems.  Students had to create, solve and demonstrate how to solve the problems.  Some of the problems also included various images.

Approaching – Students created a SOL review project.  They had free choice of the tools they used and how they presented it to the class.  The students used the information they researched to create real world problems and displayed them in a meaningful creative way.

Student Artifact


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