Weather, Weather, Everywhere – 4252
Summary During this science lesson, students worked collaboratively through three different active and engaging stations to learn about weather. In the Critical Thinking and Problem …
Summary During this science lesson, students worked collaboratively through three different active and engaging stations to learn about weather. In the Critical Thinking and Problem …
Summary Integrating reading, writing and math through party planning is a fun-filled way for fifth graders to apply what they have learned while learning new …
Summary Sound design is the art of creating sounds to invoke emotion and mood in a production. In order to understand this concept, students listened …
Summary The rotation stations in this lesson are culminating activities after our unit of reading and writing mysteries as a whole class, with small groups, …
Summary Students will use Wilson Reading Words magnet and card manipulatives, as well as sight words, to brainstorm a list of words they could use …
Summary Students read part of the novel Maniac Magee by Jerry Spinelli and non-fiction articles about lives of homeless people and agencies that help the …
Summary In this lesson, students create book trailers in order to convince other students to read their book. Students review existing book trailers and come …
Submitted by: School: Summary The goal of this lesson is to have the students interacting in a virtual “literature circle” using GoogleDocs as a platform …
Submitted by: Lorie Butler School: Elko Middle School Summary Technology is always changing and improving our lives every day from being able to watch a …
Submitted by: Courtney Battle and Carolyn Alley School: Holman Middle School Summary The students will work with a partner to evaluate preselected book reviews. They …