Evaluating and Writing Book Reviews

Submitted by: Courtney Battle and Carolyn Alley
School: Holman Middle School


The students will work with a partner to evaluate preselected book reviews. They will read each book review and determine the positives and negatives for each by using a Google Docs format. Finally they will write their own book review using their established criteria as a guide. At least once each nine weeks, students will be post one book review on a school based website. Book reviews will be added throughout the school year and for years to come.

TIPC Ratings

The students are analyzing information, the book reviews, to assemble their own responses to that information. In some parts of the lesson the students are also selecting their own digital tools in order to meet the needs of the assignment.

The students helped to guide a discussion on how the partner groups should be formed. The teacher asked them for ideas on how they could partner up with someone that may have a different point of view. Some examples of the ideas that the students came up with include; boy/girl, different favorite genres, and personality types.

The students are choosing the most appropriate digital tool for their chart of positives and negative and their templates. They are also questioning and using critical thinking skills in order to assess how well a book review is written. They are doing this in order to create their own book review template, which they will use to create their own website for the school. They will reflected on how well they did with the positives and negatives when looking at their peer results in the google doc and when voting on the winning template. A future goal for all students will be to continue to write book reviews containing the positive characteristics discussed.

The students are using the information gained from the book review critiques to create their own book review template. This task is both meaningful and authentic to them because they will be using the winning template to write their own book reviews.

Student Artifact

Download Files


  • Lesson Plan
  • Links to Book Reviews and Student Responses

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