¿Dónde está Imán? (Where is Imán?)
This lesson is for : Grade 7: Summary This is a partner project to create a digital children’s book learning tool that demonstrates the student’s …
This lesson is for : Grade 7: Summary This is a partner project to create a digital children’s book learning tool that demonstrates the student’s …
This lesson is for : Grade 8: Summary Students work in teams to identify a community need and then select a non-profit to partner with …
This lesson is for : Grade 12: Summary From Star Wars vs. Battlestar Galactica to Robin Thicke vs. Marvin Gaye, cases of copyright infringement have …
This lesson is for : Grade 5: Summary Students will give a digital presentation by recording a presentation collaborated by small groups and created using …
This lesson is for : Grade 3: Summary “Auntie Emm, Auntie Emm!” “It’s raining Cats and Dogs!” “We’re in the eye of the storm!” “Move …
This lesson is for : Grade 5: Summary Consants! Independent Variables! Hypotheses! These are all big terms associated with the scientific method. This lesson is …
This lesson is for : Grade 4: Summary BRRRR! We challenge you to take up the cause of raising awareness for ALS by taking part …
This lesson is for : Grade 1: Summary How would your life be different if you were wheelchair bound? Students will investigate this question after …
Summary The Microwave lesson provided an interactive way for students to learn about the Microwave cooking. Students are required to research microwave cooking through research …
Summary The lesson was to create a movie based on the Gubernatorial Election. The students had to create a movie in order for them to …