Master Chef Cafeteria Challenge – 8241
Summary Students read an article from the Department of Agriculture on the pros and cons of school lunches and respond to each-other via a discussion …
Summary Students read an article from the Department of Agriculture on the pros and cons of school lunches and respond to each-other via a discussion …
Submitted by: Vonita Giddings School: Henrico High School Summary Students were challenged to learn about biology through the lens the moral and ethical dilemmas involved …
Submitted by: Kimberly Tolbert School: Henrico High School Summary Students will review professional magazine covers individually and in groups and discuss how the text and …
Submitted by: Carlota Vargas Collaborators: Tracy Lancaster School: Henrico High School Summary Students were tasked with finding out the answer to the research question: “Who …
Submitted by: Todd Ritter School: Henrico High School Summary With the goal to increase tourism to the Broadway District, students took on the role of …
Submitted by: Jacqueline Hess Collaborators: Tracy Lancaster School: Henrico High School Summary In collaborative groups, students were tasked with conducting research and analyzing a coastal …
Submitted by: Elham Aboulhosn Collaborators: Tracy Lancaster School: Henrico High School Summary Students read the novel “Monsieur Ibrahim et les Fleurs du Coran” in French. …
Submitted by: Megan Mattax School:Henrico High School Summary How do we see ourselves and how do we present this idea of self to the world …
Submitted by: Debra Wiley School: Henrico High School Summary Each student took on the role of a restaurant owner. Restaurant owners researched two different biological …
Submitted by: Todd Ritter School: Henrico High School Summary This lesson centered on the concept of tolerance and uses Hitler’s Entartete Kunst (Degenerate Art) Exhibition …