Who Are The Afrolatinos?
Submitted by: Carlota Vargas Collaborators: Tracy Lancaster School: Henrico High School Summary Students were tasked with finding out the answer to the research question: “Who …
Submitted by: Carlota Vargas Collaborators: Tracy Lancaster School: Henrico High School Summary Students were tasked with finding out the answer to the research question: “Who …
Submitted by: Todd Tinsley Collaborators: Joy McDonald, ITRT School: Hungary Creek Middle Summary This lesson is designed to students become better listeners and evaluators of …
Submitted by: Carlos Seward Collaborators: William Berry (ITRT) School: Moody Middle School Summary In this lesson, the students use a GoogleDoc to decide on group …
Submitted by: Marivic Mitchell Collaborators: William Berry (ITRT) School: Moody Middle School Summary Before this lesson, the students built model rockets out of two liter …
Submitted by: John Marshall & Tim Towslee School: Glen Allen High School Summary Students in two classrooms (History and English) chose opposing sides of a …
Submitted by: Mary Barnett, Emily Byrd, Kathi Charlson, Keri Richardson Collaborators: Caroline Jonic, Celeste Young School: Ridge ES Summary To address the current real-world social …
Submitted by: Shawn Gross School: Deep Run High School Summary Furniture has been a part of the human experiences since early man gave up his …
Submitted by: Karen Gage School: Deep Run High School Summary The lesson is an effort to promote collaboration among classmates, creativity, the use of technology, …
Lesson Title: Establishing Group Norms to Analyze Text Target Grade/Subject 8th grade English Length: One class period, 90 minutes Lesson #:2375 Summary In order to …
Image Source © DesktopPictures.com School: Byrd Middle School Summary In this real-world classroom experience students are given a task by their “boss” at ABS Travel …