China’s Contributions
This lesson is for : Grade 2: Summary Students researched the contributions of China (bronze, fireworks, compass, silk) in One Search. Students then created a …
This lesson is for : Grade 2: Summary Students researched the contributions of China (bronze, fireworks, compass, silk) in One Search. Students then created a …
This lesson is for : Grade 3: Summary “Man! I just can’t seem to remember this multiplication fact!” Third graders will research which multiplication facts …
Summary In our effort to develop problem based learning activities for our students, the fifth grade team posed an authentic task for students to consider. …
Summary “Global warming, a hole in the ozone layer, toxic waste, widespread pollution. Environmental issues are not something that we should just sweep aside. The …
Summary “What would you do if you found a 17 foot long python in your backyard? What would you do if you caught a fish …
Summary Studies show that using music in education increases a student’s memory ability. Henrico County Public Schools also has a long standing recognition for its …
Summary In this cross-curricular lesson, students were given the authentic task: “You are travel agents for Beijing Tour Company. Your goal is to persuade potential …
Summary I will have my students read the book Jackie and Me. Discuss as a whole group and bring out eight important characteristics to friendship. …
Summary Students researched a favorite animal and its habitat. Each group used a website to build/create an animal that would thrive in its habitat. Using …
Submitted by: Samantha Thomas School: Varina ES Summary Students will extend their knowledge of the planets in our solar system by researching a chosen planet, …