When Food Chains Go Wrong! – 4255


“What would you do if you found a 17 foot long python in your backyard? What would you do if you caught a fish that had teeth? More and more this is happening in backyards across the United States. Although these stories sound funny, invasive species are destroying the food chains. Your task is to choose an invasive species and develop a Public Service Announcement (PSA) defining the problem as it relates to the food chain and developing solutions.” After hearing the authentic task, the students were asked to create public service announcements (PSAs) warning people about three different types of invasive species. The students chose their groups and after a brief review on food chains they were ready to choose the invasive species they wanted to research. As a class we came up with a list of research questions that would apply to every animal. Using the student generated research questions, the groups chose which animal and questions they wanted to learn about. The students recorded their answers and selected which technology tool to create their PSA with. The groups were able to choose from Pixie, Photo Booth, or Comic Life. The groups then created a public service announcement explaining how the invasive species they chose affects the environment in which they invaded. After the students finished their PSA they completed a self-reflection on our class blog.

TIPC Ratings

This lesson is Ideal/Target in Research and Information Fluency. The students had to choose a topic and develop their own research questions for the Public Service Announcement they were to create. Students assembled and synthesized information to address authentic task (PSA).

This lesson is Approaching in Communication and Collaboration. Students worked in self-selected groups to address an authentic task. The students determined roles in the group and determined how to most effectively complete the task. They reflected on their roles in the group with a self-assessment when they completed their PSA’s. Their PSA’s were shared on the teacher’s blog.

This lesson is Ideal/Target in Critical Thinking and Problem Solving. Students were asked to research and then create a PSA to inform citizens about the threat invasive species pose to the new habitats. They had to develop questions and use this information to create a PSA using one of these tools: Comic Life, Photo Booth, or Pixie. Students had to determine which tool would be best to use for their product. They were asked to explain their choices and the problem solving techniques they employed as they completed the task.

This lesson is Ideal/Target in Creativity and Innovation. Students were given three choices for their PSA: Comic Life, PhotoBooth, or Pixie. Students then created a PSA based on the authentic task using the information they had researched. Group products varied and reflected each group’s decisions and risk taking. Students were asked to reflect upon their work and set goals for the future.

Student Artifact

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