Pop Art 3D Printing!
Teacher(s) Name: Mrs. Wolmuth School: Dumbarton ES Grade Level(s): Grade 5 Content Area(s): Art Lesson Summary Artists are inspired by the world around them every …
Teacher(s) Name: Mrs. Wolmuth School: Dumbarton ES Grade Level(s): Grade 5 Content Area(s): Art Lesson Summary Artists are inspired by the world around them every …
Teacher(s) Name: Ms. Sarah Spicer and Mrs. Jenny Brady School: Ward ES and Shady Grove ES Grade Level(s): Kindergarten Content Area(s): Math, Science, Language Arts …
Teacher(s) Name: Mrs. Harrell School: Gayton ES Grade Level(s): Grade 3 Content Area(s): Social Studies Lesson Summary Given a rubric, background information, access to computers, …
Teacher(s) Name: Mrs. Cogbill School: Springfield Park Grade Level(s): Grade 5 Content Area(s): Art Lesson Summary The students were assigned the task of creating an …
Teacher(s) Name: Miss Brinson School: Nuckols Farm ES Grade Level(s): Grade 4 Content Area(s): Virginia Studies and Math Lesson Summary Students began researching about major …
Teacher(s) Name: Mrs. Ramsey School: Rivers Edge ES Grade Level(s): Grade 4 Content Area(s): Social Studies Lesson Summary Students chose a country to research in …
Teacher Name: Ms. Scheid School: Ridge ES Grade Level(s): Grade 4 Content Area(s): Social Studies Lesson Summary Students create their own video time capsule showcasing …
Teacher(s) Name: Ms. Pantele School: Glen Allen High School Grade Level(s): Grade 12 Content Area(s): English Lesson Summary Literature offers insight into culture, relives important …
Teacher(s) Name: Mrs. Ballinger, Mrs. Schmid, Mrs. Scott, and School: Pemberton ES Grade Level(s): Grade 5 Content Area(s): Computer Science Lesson Summary The 5th grade …
Teacher(s) Name: Miss Raymond School: Harvie ES Grade Level(s): Grade 4 Content Area(s): Virginia Studies Lesson Summary During this cross-curricular activity, students (in groups of …