Eat This, Not That!
Summary In this lesson, students assume the role of author/editor working for a publishing company that has been given the assignment to work on the …
Summary In this lesson, students assume the role of author/editor working for a publishing company that has been given the assignment to work on the …
Summary In this mini lesson focused on Critical Thinking, the students use ActivInspire to connect causes and effects from the context of a short story. …
Submitted by: Kimberly Tolbert School: Henrico High School Summary Students will review professional magazine covers individually and in groups and discuss how the text and …
Summary The students will investigate the life cycle of a pumpkin by researching using a variety of texts and by asking questions of the expert …
Submitted by: Terran Evans School: The Academy at Virginia Randolph Summary Students have completed “Introduction to Baking” and understanding of the basic ingredients used in …
Summary As a follow-up to average an atomic mass lesson, in this activity, students try to determine the percent abundance of two types of pennies …
Summary The purpose of this lesson is to have students consider who they listen to when making a variety of potentially important decisions in their …
Summary Students formed groups and created a movie to display the required constructions. This project afforded the students the opportunity to demonstrate content mastery of …
Summary Students are diving into learning about the regions of the United States of America. To help students gain a better connection with the states, …
Summary In pairs, students created their calendar vocabulary project. The required elements included speaking content, written content and a learning assessment activity. The learning assessment …