Nuke It! Microwave Cooking Lesson to 8th Graders — 8407
Summary The Microwave lesson provided an interactive way for students to learn about the Microwave cooking. Students are required to research microwave cooking through research …
Summary The Microwave lesson provided an interactive way for students to learn about the Microwave cooking. Students are required to research microwave cooking through research …
Summary Having a hard time getting your students to connect to history? This lesson ties the present day concept of “Shark Tank Sales Pitch” to …
Summary Students worked in groups to create sections of a class website that provides essential information about a range of famous and influential Hispano-Americans. Once …
Summary Why are most cereal boxes the same basic shape and size? Who decided that the rectangle was the most efficient use of surface area? …
Summary The students will complete a Performance Task about Edgar Allan Poe’s life using primary sources. A Performance Task requires the students to use critical thinking, …
Summary Students in the Teacher Cadet program researched, designed, and implemented a Sensory Room that can be used for students in the ID Exceptional Education …
This assignment used six (6) of the 42 SOL Writing prompts provided for the English 8 Spring short paper assessment. The lesson was designed to allow …
Summary For AP English 11, students read and analyze The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin. In particular, they complete a rhetorical analysis of Franklin’s morality experiment, …
Summary Have you ever been inspired by a moment at the Olympics? Maybe the underdog overcame obstacles to finally find success. Or, an athlete triumphs …
Summary If you had 72 hours, all the resources in the world, where would you go, what would be your dream vacation? While learning about …