Famous American Palooza – 7282
Summary The students will learn about citizens who worked to defend the basic principles that formed the foundation of a republican form of government. The …
Summary The students will learn about citizens who worked to defend the basic principles that formed the foundation of a republican form of government. The …
Summary The students will research and learn about a variety of sports in the Winter Olympics. They will start by researching what sports involve a …
Summary In the course of their Virginia Studies in fourth grade and their study of Henrico County in fifth-grade, students were familiar with both the …
Summary The students are participating in a community service project where they are analyzing the impact of growing up in a literacy-rich environment and how …
Summary The class will conduct a group experiment with different materials to find out what happens when certain items are placed in water. Once students …
Summary Each pair of students will take a number walk and take pictures, with an iPad, of sets depicting its given number (1-10). Then, each …
Summary Students had to select an animal that they would like to see return or continue living in the habitat around the school. They had …
Summary Students have been researching various roles of the American Revolution. Based on their research, students have created 9 different blogs as if they were …
Summary Students were asked to create a festival that centers around the pumpkin. After completing research students are required to develop a plan for their …
Summary The students used prior knowledge on telling time and making times with the hour and minute hands on the clock to create a dream …