Teacher(s) Name: Mrs. Brittany McCarter
School: MS – Short Pump
Grade Level(s): Grade 7
Content Area(s): Math, Course 2
Lesson Summary
To practice statistical math skills, students created their own data from participating in an engineer design process of constructing carriers made out of different materials to help Barbie zip-line from point A to B. Once given their problem, the students collaborated in small teams to go through a process of critical thinking and reflection to construct a carrier that could move. Each team’s trial provided data that was collected and analyzed to allow them to build a histogram and summarize trends of each teams materials for carriers. After this common design process experience , the students then came up with their own problem statement and went to collect data to synthesize and show mastery in comparing and analyzing data.
TIPC Ratings
Research & Information Fluency
Rating:Ideal – Explanation: Students began this lesson with creating individual data points and then had to synthesize whole class information. Once the students synthesize class data points from a Google Spreadsheet they had to create histograms to show the information visually. Once they worked through these steps as a team the students were set forth to work individually on finding a new problem/hypothesis statement. Once they found created their original problem statement they had to research and find way to get the data they needed, whether making surveys or doing research. From previous classes they knew and applied R.A.D.C.A.B. to their research resources. Students then assembled and organized their findings to share out to their classmates in a gallery walk.
Communication & Collaboration
Rating: Approaching – Explanation: The teacher became the unit utilizing the engineer design process and randomly selected teams. Students had to work together to prototype and construct a carrier for Barbie to successfully zip-line safely across a portion of the library. Student were allowed to work how they saw fit either using white boards to blend their ideas for the proto-type together or google draw. After this common learning experience of the engineer design process, the students came up with their own problems and worked to create a product to share with their peers in class.
Critical Thinking & Problem Solving
Rating: Ideal – Explanation: This was a 2 step lesson. In the first step, many students had to solve a class problem and reflect as a team on their solution. The teacher gave each team time to reflect and improve their structures for Barbie to safely zip-line in the library. Step 2 ,students created their own authentic problem statement. Students had to determine the best way to gather information to solve their authentic problem. Many students created their own GoogleForm and used the spreadsheet to synthesize the information to produce a histogram of their findings. They ended with a review student’s work and reflected in a discussion board the process they took in collecting and sharing out their findings.
Creativity & Innovation
Rating: Approaching – Explanation: This project had an emphasize on the learning process and allowing students choice in how they showed their mastery of the mathematical skills. The teacher provided a learning experience where students were hands-on and engaged creating their own data to practice and review content skills. Afterwards the student shad to generate their own problem that was relevant to their own lives to collect data for and share their findings.