Teacher(s) Name: Mr. Ciaschi
School: Freeman HS
Grade Level(s): Grade 9, Grade 10, Grade 11, Grade 12
Content Area(s): Electives, CTE, Technology, Photography
Lesson Summary
In this lesson, students take pictures and then manipulate the images to leave part of the image in color and the rest in black and white. The images are then uploaded to students’ websites and are evaluated by the entire class.
TIPC Ratings
Research & Information Fluency
Rating:Not Observed – Explanation: Not a component of this lesson.
Communication & Collaboration
Rating: Approaching – Explanation: Students select another student to work with and take pictures together. Students each take their own pictures and ask their partner for help with questions they may have about using the camera. Students select 5 of their best photos to edit. They will select these photos by asking for input from their partner and their peers.
Students edit the photos and then select the 1 best photo for grading. They will again ask for input from their peers about what they feel the best photo is grading it against the provided rubric. The entire class will group together to review several student projects where they are encouraged to give both positive and constructive feedback. Students ask questions of the artist, encouraging collaboration and better work on future projects.
Critical Thinking & Problem Solving
Rating: Approaching – Explanation: Students use their knowledge and skills on this project to capture an image with bright color. Students must select quality subject matter to photograph, and decide how to use the camera settings and how to best crop the image. When self-grading their best image, students must provide written justification for the scores they give to each section of the rubric.
Creativity & Innovation
Rating: Developing – Explanation: Students are given free choice of what to photograph and what part of the photograph to edit to black and white. Students use previous knowledge of Photoshop for basic editing and then apply the new techniques to the part of the photo they choose.