Rain, Rain, Go Away


You and one of your classmates have traveled to two separate Spanish speaking countries for the holidays! Like most kids your age, you plan to keep in touch over the break via. text messaging. The goal of this assignment is to text one another a proper greeting, as well as a weather report written entirely in Spanish from your location. Be prepared to share out your text message with the rest of your classmates via. a shared Google Slides presentation. Enjoy the break and I hope you have nice weather!

TIPC Ratings

Approaching: Students utilized various search engines, digital notes, and referenced databases in preparation of creating an end product that accurately portrayed the real – time weather conditions as well as important facts pertaining to their Spanish speaking country. Students were introduced to the research panel in Google Docs to help guide their research and to help assemble and organize the information to address an authentic task.

Approaching: Students utilized various digital tools to increase communication and collaboration in the classroom. Today’s meet allowed the students to generate real time text messaging and were encouraged to use the Spanish keyboard on their computer to include accent marks in the conversation. Once the asynchronous dialogue was complete students downloaded the transcript and made it visually appealing by placing the conversation into an iphone text generator that was included in a Google Slide. The Google Slide allowed students to to work together as a group and engage in meaningful communication and purposeful collaboration. When the Google Slide presentation was complete, students were able to share their work by making it public on the web and share it with a global audience.

Developing: The students had multiple digital tools at their disposal that allowed for encourage and promote digital thinking. Although the students were not necessarily solving a problem, they did need to justify their decision making and back it up using their research findings.

Approaching: This lesson scores high on the teacher end of creativity. Although student choice was limited, the teacher encouraged creativity and craftsmanship when designing this lesson. Student creativity can be witnessed through the student artifacts that illustrate new perspectives and insights that were discovered at the conclusion of the lesson.

Student Artifact

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  • Lesson Plan
  • Rubric
  • Directions
  • Student Samples

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