Does It Add Up Yet? Making Sense of Math Through Peer Video Tutorials – 15HS204

This lesson is for : Grade 11,Grade 12:


As a form of both initial learning and content review, AP Calculus students create and share how-to videos featuring self-selected math problems. Through the creation of these tutorial videos in which they talk through their thought processes to arrive at a solution, students authentically practice and become experts in solving complex mathematical problems. These videos are made available to other students, who can review and master the content throughout the course and in preparation for their midterm and AP exams. While this lesson was done with AP Calculus students, the lesson could be easily adapted for any math level as essential problem-solving skills are both used and gained through completing this authentic task.

TIPC Ratings

Research & Information Fluency

Rating: Ideal – Explanation:

  • Students assemble and synthesize information to address authentic tasks by researching, identifying and modifying calculus problems for which they will demonstrate solutions.
  • Students use tools to powerfully display and interact with information when they record and narrate first-person videos that demonstrate the solution to their selected problem.
  • The teacher facilitates and formatively assesses student work that was produced through their authentic research and explanation of their selected problem’s solution.

Communication & Collaboration

Rating: Ideal – Explanation:

  • While students work independently to select, solve, and demonstrate their problems, students share their videos with class and participate in authentic dialogue during the in-class screening of their videos.
  • Student-created videos are available through Google Classroom, allowing students access to these review materials at all times
  • During the in-class screening of students’ videos, the teacher facilitates and formatively assesses students while they share their videos and engage in authentic dialogue with their peers.

Critical Thinking & Problem Solving

Rating: Ideal – Explanation:

  • Students select the most appropriate digital tools and problem-solving strategies for solving their selected problems.
  • Through in-class discussion, students reflect on their roles as critical thinking and problem solvers, identifying areas in which they would like to improve during their subsequent video tutorials.
  • During the in-class screening of students’ videos, the teacher facilitates and formatively assesses students through their engagement in meaningful questioning, critical thinking, and problem solving.

Creativity & Innovation

Rating: Ideal – Explanation:

  • After identifying a problem that interests them, students reach beyond the parameters of the assignment by modifying the verbiage of the problem to make is more engaging to themselves and their audience.
  • Students choose strategic risks that support innovation through experimenting with different devices and applications to record and mix selected media.
  • From the conception to the conclusion of this project, the teacher develops, facilitates, and assesses a learning environment where students are engaged in creatively selecting and demonstrating the solution to their problem, and innovating engaging ways of explaining their problem’s solution through multimedia applications.

Student Artifact

Lesson Materials

H21 Lesson Artifacts

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