15ES801_Plant and Animal Cell App Smash

This lesson is for : Grade 5:


Fifth grade students are Johnson Elementary participated in an App Smash earlier this year. These students were studying SOL 5.5 (plant and animal cells). After the unit had been taught the classroom teacher and ITRT collaborated together to create a lesson where students would partner up and use the JES iPads to create a finished product. During this lesson the students used three apps found on the iPad image to create their movie. Students illustrated their cells using one app, labelled the essential parts using a second app and brought their finished image into a third app to record their audio.

TIPC Ratings

Research & Information Fluency

Rating: Approaching – Explanation: Research and information fluency rated as an approaching category. The students had previously been taught SOL 5.5 and this project was a wrap up for that unit. The students had to use their previous knowledge, science notebooks and partners to decide what information was relevant to include in their video. They then had to convey that information to their audience in under 60 seconds (app specific time for Tellagami).

Communication & Collaboration

Rating: Approaching – Explanation: Communication and collaboration was also rated as an approaching category based on the work that these students had to complete in only 45 minutes. The students had to work together quickly and efficiently to complete all three tasks asked of them. They had to work closely with their partner and communicate what they felt needed to be in their video.

Critical Thinking & Problem Solving

Rating: Entry – Explanation: This lesson was rather weak in regards to critical thinking and problem solving. Since this was a 45 minute lesson and time was precious the students were given rather specific directions and were not given any leeway. This lesson was rather cut and dry in regards to thinking outside the box and critically solving a problem.

Creativity & Innovation

Rating: Ideal – Explanation: This lessons strength fell in the creativity department. Students were given specifics in regards to what apps to use but they were able to make their short videos anyway they wanted. Using Doodle Buddy to draw their cell allowed them to be creative and use any features found within this app to illustrate their cell. They also were given a 60 second limit for their video but were free to be creative within the Tellagami app itself.

Johnson App Smash-Student 3 from Jessica Robinson on Vimeo.

Lesson Materials

H21 Lesson Artifacts