Emoji Character Analysis – 15HS300

This lesson is for : Grade 9:


This nine-week independent reading project focuses on reading, annotation, analysis, and creation. Students select two short stories by the same author to read and annotate, focusing on analyzing the protagonist characters of each story. After reading the stories, students create a protagonist character analysis and comparison visual, using digital tools and the emoji visual language. Each student submits their created visual, is provided feedback, revises their product, and shares what they have created with classmates on a project blog. The blog allows student to explore classmates work, and highlight themes of human nature found across literature.

TIPC Ratings

Research & Information Fluency

Rating: Approaching – Explanation:

  • Students are selecting texts, reading, annotating, and choosing appropriate digital tools to address the task.
  • The research is assembled in the form of a created visual, and is displayed on a blog for others to interact with.
  • The students interact with the products collected on the class blog in search for themes of human nature in literature.

Communication & Collaboration

Rating: Developing – Explanation:

  • Students work independently in reading and annotating, but find opportunities for collaboration as elbow partners during guided practice in creating digital visuals and communication in sharing their creations on the class blog.

Critical Thinking & Problem Solving

Rating: Approaching – Explanation:

  • Students are asked to respond to higher order questions about human nature and why characters feel and act as they do in their stories.
  • The visual product created asks students to generate a digital visual representation of protagonist characteristics with justification of their emoji choice.
  • Digital tools are used by students to display their thinking about the characters, as well as to share themes of human nature found in literature.

Creativity & Innovation

Rating: Ideal – Explanation:

  • Student develop original visuals by applying critical thinking in analyzing characters; research methods through text annotation; communication in learning Google drawing with a partner; and collaboration by contributing to a project WordPress blog.
  • Students create meaningful original visuals by synthesizing existing understanding of emoji meanings, new learning through character analysis, with chosen digital tools (Google Drawing, PowerPoint, Pixlr and Photoshop).
  • Students have the choice to create their visual with any application providing an opportunity for strategic risk towards innovation.
  • Students reflect on the creative process after making edits to their visual and submitting it to the class blog.

Student Artifact

Lesson Materials

H21 Lesson Artifacts

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