Los verbos reflexivos – Learning Module – 15HS802


Spanish Immersion students worked in teams of 4-5 to create a class collaborative Google Site. This website will be shared with Spanish I students at our high school and with middle school students and used to teach a Learning Module of Reflexive Verbs. Each team of students was responsible to teach a portion of reflexive verbs. Some teams created a script and video for different scenes that depicted their daily routine. Another team created interactive activities using Google Forms for lessons and practice. Other teams created a Comic Strip, Games, and Quizlet activities.

TIPC Ratings

Research was not an area of focus for this lesson.

Target – Students collaborated extensively as a class to create the website and learning module. The students worked in teams of 4-5 each choosing a project in which they would like to collaborate. Almost all groups used Google Docs to collaborate while writing scripts, rough drafts of skits, games, quizlet activities, etc. They collaborated both within the class as well as outside the class. The Learning Module website will be shared with Spanish I students at our high school and with middle school students and used to teach Reflexive Verbs.

Approaching – Students had many digital resources to investigate and choose which would be most appropriate for their team. They had to think deeply about the best way to present the content for new Spanish learners. This was an open ended task with an infinite amount of possibilities. It was also authentic as the learning module will be used in other Spanish 1 classes both within our school and beyond.

Target – Students were extremely creative as they developed interactive activities for lessons for practice, created a Comic Strip, Games, Videos, and Quizlet activities. They created meaningful and original work using innovative means.

After the students completed the website, they completed a personal reflection using a Google Form – here is a link to their responses.

Student Artifact


Lesson Materials

H21 Lesson Artifacts

  • Lesson Materials
  • Student Group Work
  • Student Reflection

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